Monday, 10 November 2014

Running in the dark

Ability is what you are capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do. 
Attitude determines how well you do it. 

--Lou Holtz

The air was chilly, there was a lot of wind resistance and it was slightly uphill - such a great run :) It wasn't too fast, because I was running in the dark, with my head torch wrapped around my wrist, but it sure made me feel energised. I like this cosy time of year, you can go outside and embrace the chill, and then you can go back inside and snuggle up with a cuppa' and be cosy

 I'm quite 'warm bodied', which is basically my fancy way of saying that I warm up really quickly, so even when it's chilly, I end up getting fairly warm - so no running tights or long-sleeved tops for me just yet....just my good old comfy Centurion Thames Path 100 t-shirt and comfy shorts. Bring on winter training...

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