Saturday, 8 November 2014

Getting back out there.

Choppy waters - kite surfer

Today, I’m getting back out there. I’m going to run my old favourite route and do my first run in 2 weeks. Obviously, my old route includes a long stretch of road leading  up to the Beachy Head Marathon start/ finish line and the first bit of my run takes me up that route. I guess I refuse to let what happened define me and destroy my love of this beautiful scenery. It’s mine and all the great runs that I have had there will never be erased.

Choppy sea and cliff edge

So, I might as well take this opportunity to create more lovely memories and runs up there. Slowly but surely, things are getting better. I feel motivated to find my next challenge, I feel energised to go after that job, to move back up North, to see what possibilities are out there.  If someone can’t see the magic of something, find someone who can. So, whilst I’ve not been running, I have read about running and I have plotted various run goals. I have also focused a lot of my core and mastered various ‘plank exercises’. I’ve embraced the protein shake and become a regular protein monster. I’ve also done a lot of arm exercises and swung my kettle bell around a fair bit. On the side, I have engaged in a little bit of retail therapy.

South Downs Way

Random piccies from today's meander (see above, across and below ;-) )

Stretching out...

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