Friday, 3 June 2016

Overthinking it and sulking...

First run back since epic GUCR fail. I know, I know, 'fail' isn't a positive word to use, but it's what happened. I'm still over-analysing it of course. Any one who were to read this blog, who isn't a runner would have no idea why it even matters so much to me, but it does.

(Side-rant): I'm not a wealthy runner, I'm a nearly (but alas, still training) qualified primary school teacher, so money is tight and entering races is somewhat of a luxury these days. Ultras are expensive too, especially when you take into account the petrol to drive, possible accommodation costs, kit, food etc. I literally can't afford to fail... But, money isn't everything and I logically know this.

I'm going off-point and ultimately the money angle only matters in relation to how often I can race. And I would love to do it more than I do. I'm just venting. About everything. I put all of my eggs in one ultra-basket. Almost. I've got to remember I have a chance of redemption at Liverpool to Leeds Canal Race in August and I'm more than up for taking the opportunity to do so....although, I wasn't so positive about this when I called it quits on Saturday!

What matters more is that I'm still feeling a bit emotionally bruised. I wasn't able to see beyond the moment like I normally am. I wasn't able to transcend the pain or pull myself together. I wasn't able to use all the advice that I'm normally so eager to give out. I rely on that mental stamina normally. It's my rock that can often pull me through. It all feels a bit crappy and embarrassing. And I don't like not finishing things. I like to set out to do something and do it.

However, I know it's not all doom and gloom. Having trawled the internet for motivation and post-race affirmations, I have come across many words of wisdom...

You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear - Neil Gaiman:

So just keep going. Yes. :: 365 Days of Gratitude: Day 262 - Susa Talan: There is nothing more powerful than confidence. Here are 10 quotes that will make you believe in yourself again: Get motivated :-):

 : "You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be." -Marianne Williamson #quotes:  50 Life Changing Motivational Quotes for Entrepreneurs – as Awesome Posters – Design School:

You try, you fail, you try, you fail - the real failure 
is when you stop trying.

If you don't fail, you don't learn. 
If you don't learn, you'll never change.


Okay, you got me...I LOVE Pinterest!! And, I have no race photos ;-)

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