Monday, 30 November 2015

Knackered. Shattered. Tired.

As one of the children in my class remarked, earlier today, "You look really tired today, Miss Tunna". Yup. I feel shattered, knackered, sleep, tired, all rolled into one. Training to be a primary school teacher is like the longest ultra marathon ever, and the most emotionally draining. And yet, it is so rewarding. But I am definitely looking forward to a bit of a Christmas shindig night out on Friday. I need it.

Needless to say, I have been pretty busy lately and I haven't done too much running. And I really need to do more running because even when I'm not getting physically fat, I feel mentally fat and not quite sane if I am not doing a lot of running. However, I have just gone for a short one and I do feel better for it. Should have worn more layers though. It's surprisingly chilly out there. Brrrr.

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