I have decided to build a more permanent blog; although I already have a few going. If you're a runner or a crazy mad person who just so happens to be on Fetcheveryone.com, then you can read my bloggage on there under my username of Lizogical. If you're curious and would like to read about a fantastic charity - Brathay Hall Trust - and maybe even sponsor the crazy act of running 10 marathons in 10 days for an amazing cause and want to read a bit of bloggage in the process, then you can access the 10-in-10 event related blog @ http://www.brathaywindermeremarathon.org.uk/blog/liz-tunna-10-in-10.aspx AND if you want to be really stalker-ish and find out just how sad and absorbed in the world of cyberspace I am, then you can follow my random twitterings on Twitter @lizogical. So, there you go, no excuses not to say hey :)
So, this weird introduction begs the question, whom am I exactly? Well, I’m a graduate; I’m studying for an MSc in Exercise & Nutrition Science (If I can find a grad, better paying job anytime soon, I may actually finish it!) , which has absolutely nothing to do with my undergraduate degree in English and Drama, but everything to do with my passion for long-distance crazy running stuff. I don’t know how, but from an over-weight university student, I suddenly developed a desire to lose weight and become fitter, but I didn’t just want to be thinner for the hell of it or for the sake of looking more pleasing on the eye. I wanted to do something with the new, better, more capable body. I took up running and started to enter a few races here and there. Then magically, I discovered the joy of marathons and shortly afterwards, ultra’s. I ran my first marathon in 2009 (Windermere Marathon) and as I type this I have completed 53 marathon distance events (over half that number are ultra’s) and in May (13th – 22nd), I shall be revisiting the Lake District to run the Windermere Marathon course again – 10 times over in 10 days :) ….Which actually brings me to another website I forgot to mention, www.justgiving.com/lizogical10in10
Sometimes I think the ‘trick’ to life and all its trickiness is not to over think things (although I constantly over think things). I think that’s how my whole running journey took off. Because if I’d over thought it, I never would have gotten out of that door, because I was someone who didn’t run, who was unfit and overweight and lacked the desire for many things, because I just felt quite miserable. So, if Id over thought the situation, the plausible answer would have been that running, ideally should be left to those fitter and leaner than the way I was. But you can’t take such a logical stance, because starting anything from scratch isn’t easy, it’s damn difficult. Exercise when you’re physically unfit is horrendous and the struggle is not giving up, but you really do have to go through some awful bits to reap the rewards. Anyway, just some random thoughts…I often forget about the old me, but reminding myself makes me remember that a lot of things you never thought possible are possible.